Did you know that the way you spend the first 10-20 minutes of your morning are crucial because they have a strong impression on your subconscious for how your energy will circulate throughout your day? When we jump directly on our telephones in the morning we have a tendency to get sucked in and emotionally entangled (albeit subconsciously) into other people and their lives. Since we manifest from our subconscious, it makes sense to do something that affirms, edifies, transforms and empowers one of our most powerful faculties to create intentionally. The emails, messages, money, reactions on social media, texts and missed call notifications will all be there, trust.
I have been on my own spiritual and personal development journey and I have decided to start sharing a LOT more with you about my experiences! I was supposed to send this email to one of my clients and then I thought…why just one? Why not offer as much value as I can to as many people as I can? Isn’t that part of the reason we’re here, living this life? That’s what I believe anyway.
So, here’s a suggestion about how our time and energy is better circulated in the mornings.
1. 5/10 minutes of gratitude reflection (home, family, internet) these can be anything and should range and expand as the practice becomes more consistent. The more you express gratitude the more you will find gratitude in previously overlooked placed.
2. 5/10 minutes of affirmations (see below, feel free to replace or add onto these as fits for you)
” I use my mouth as a blessing for affirmations”
“I am available to magnificent good”
“I am available to more prosperity and abundance that I’ve ever experienced before”
“My conversations are affirmative with vision, possibility and encouragement”
” I am available to dynamic good. I am free from all limitation, all lack and all restriction”
” I am so grateful that I have the power to create my own reality”
“Being and Having alre always my vibration”
3. 5/10 minutes – Visualizing/Imagining your ideal life situation, get detailed about all the senses, look, smell, touch, taste, feel, sound
4. 5/10 minutes – Writing (write what you visualized/imagined) on what you want to manifest in your life
5. 5/10 minutes Exercise ( yoga, running, walking, anything!)
6. 5/10 minutes reading something inspirational.
If you have any questions and/or things that come up that you’d like to discuss please feel free to reach out.
With So Much Love,
The Honey Pot